Friday, April 8, 2011

It's been awhile

Happy Spring Everyone.  I love the weather we are having and the girls are enjoying being outside.  My surgery on my shoulder went well last week.  I was really only in pain for a day or so, but still have stitches and sometimes I forget about them and they pull and it HURTS.   I have been in the kitchen most of the day (oh how I have missed you) baking and decorating.  Here are a few of the items I was able to complete today.  I have a baby shower cake in the works and will post pics on Sunday.

Heath Bar Cupcakes for my mother-in-law.
Happy Birthday Jeanie!

Don't these just scream spring?

Actually made these two weeks ago for my daughter's best friend Maggie.
They are pink lemonade cupcakes with vanilla buttercream icing. 
She had a Jessie the Cowgirl party. 

This picture is from last weekend, celebrating my husband's birthday.
I made him a "Go Butler" cake. 
He is a Butler grad & he so badly wanted the team to win.
Maybe next year...

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